
Nonprofit Board Committee Meeting Evaluation

by William J. Moran, J.D., M.S.Ed.

Much nonprofit board work is done in committees.  Some committees are run well.  Others are not.  The following form can provide the Board feedback on the effectiveness of various committee meetings.

Board Committee Meeting Evaluation Form

Please rate Committee performance on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 representing “excellent” and 1 representing “poor.”

Committee Name Executive Personnel Marketing Finance Fundraising
The Committee meets frequently enough to meet objectives.
The agenda is well thought out in advance. The focus is on “major” not “minor” issues.
Actions steps from last meeting are reviewed and status noted.
We avoid getting into administrative and management details.
Different opinions are encouraged.  Communication is open and successful.
The Chair guides the meeting effectively by allowing and encouraging discussion but staying on agenda.
Members participate responsibly.
Decisions are reached after sufficient deliberation.
Next steps are identified and responsibilities assigned.
The meeting begins and ends on time.
A written record is made of the action steps.
We enjoy being together and have fun!


Executive Committee
Personnel Committee
Marketing Committee
Finance  Committee
Fundraising Committee

Overall, what goes well in committee meetings ? __________________________

Overall, what does not go as well? ____________________________

Other comments? _______________________________________

View or Download Evaluation Form:  PDF or Word format


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